Welcome to the Maryland HealthChoice Maryland Physicians Care formulary guide on Formulary Navigator™
For information regarding the Maryland Physicians Care Managed Care Program please visit: https://www.marylandphysicianscare.com/
Copays and Coverage of Services: https://www.marylandphysicianscare.com/members/benefits/approved-medications/
Member Services: 1-800-953-8854 (available 24/7)
Formulary Link: https://www.marylandphysicianscare.com/providers/drug-benefits/
Prior Authorizations: https://www.marylandphysicianscare.com/providers/drug-benefits/medication-prior-authorization/ or 1-800-953-8854 (available 24/7)
Pharmacy Help Desk: 1-800-922-1557 (available 24/7)
Provider Services: 1-800-953-8854 (available 24/7)
PLEASE NOTE: Because prescription drug programs vary by group, the inclusion of a drug in this formulary does not imply coverage. This formulary is subject to change throughout the year and plan exclusions may override this list. Benefit designs may vary with respect to drug coverage, quantity limits, step therapy, days supply and prior authorization. Please call the number listed on your member ID card if you have questions about your specific prescription drug benefits. Please discuss any questions or concerns about your drug therapy with your physician or pharmacist.