TakeCare Prescription Drug Search Tool for FEHB and PSHB Programs
This search tool is for the use of TakeCare current or potential members covered under the Federal Employee Health Benefit (FEHB) or Postal Service Health Benefit (PSHB) programs. Other TakeCare plans may have a different drug formulary list.
TakeCare makes this search tool available to assist you in determining what prescription medications are covered by the plan, their therapeutic class, if there are any restrictions, and assigned coverage tier. The tier assigned determines your copayment for that medication. If a prescription medication is not covered by the plan, that medication will not display as a result of your search.
For more information about your prescription drug benefits, please refer to section 5(f) of your TakeCare FEHB or PSHB Benefit Brochures.
If you search for a brand named drug that is not covered, and there is a generic alternative available, that generic alternative will display. Click on the generic alternative for coverage details. If there is no generic alternative, see the details regarding exceptions.
The presence of a medication on this formulary list does not guarantee coverage.
To determine the most up-to-date formulary status of your medication, please call MedImpact, the TakeCare pharmacy benefit manager, at 1-888-648-6768 .
To request an exception (Prior authorization, Step therapy, Quantity limit, Non-formulary) please call MedImpact, the TakeCare pharmacy benefit manager, at 1-888-648-6768.