2025 Partnership HealthPlan of California Medical Drug List (MDL) Search Tool
Welcome to the search tool for Partnership HealthPlan of California’s Medical Drug List (MDL). The MDL is used to find the coverage status and billing requirements for drugs administered directly to Partnership Medi-Cal members in a clinical setting by a medical professional. This search tool is referred to Partnership MDL Navigator™.
The Partnership MDL Navigator™ search tool is intended as a provider resource for the current Partnership utilization management coverage requirements. This tool is searchable by drug name, NDC or HCPCS billing code, and allows medical providers to identify criteria for TAR authorization, and to help inform on covered alternatives when a drug is not preferred. Additionally this tool serves to show the billing code currently in use by Partnership for a specific drug, as well as any billing requirements or limitations such as age, dose, diagnosis, place of service, and others. If you are needing retroactive coverage requirements, please reach out to Partnership Pharmacy Department for information.
This search tool is not intended to be an all-inclusive support tool for claim submission - for example, some NDCs may require an invoice or modifier but that is not within the scope of this tool.
Partnership drug coverage utilization management and TAR criteria are set by Partnership's Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee, and in some cases by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS or State Medi-Cal Fee-for-Service), or by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) and other State or Federal governing bodies.
The coverage information and Treatment Authorization Request (TAR) requirements (also known as TAR or prior authorization criteria) contained within this tool are intended as a resource for medical providers when Partnership is the payer of the medical drug benefit. The medical drug benefit is also referred to as "PADs" (physician-administered drugs) or "buy & bill" medications used in a clinic or facility setting.
Note that due to the specialized & technical nature of the medical terminology and medical billing processes contained in this site, the information contained in this site is not intended for members or other lay users.
- Caveat regarding HCPCS Code Descriptions: Please disregard the text in the HCPCS code descriptions that are in parentheses, when they pertain to claim submission or payment. This information is not relevant to Partnership Medi-Cal line of business.
- When State Medi-Cal or Prime Therapeutics (formerly Magellan) is the payer: Whether for medical claims paid by State Medi-Cal Fee-for-Service, or for Medi-Cal Rx pharmacy claims, providers and members must consult the State Medi-Cal Provider Manuals and Covered Drug List resources on the State Medi-Cal and Medi-Cal Rx web sites.